Representing your views in NZ and providing access to talks and services.

The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), is an internationally renowned professional institution whose members are involved at all levels in the design, construction, maintenance and operation of marine vessels and structures. Members of RINA are widely represented in industry, universities and colleges, and maritime organisations in over ninety countries. All members resident in New Zealand are registered as members of the Division.
The New Zealand Division
Originally the Naval Architects Society of New Zealand the organisation became incorporated into RINA NZ in 2001.The Division Council is elected from and by the members of the New Zealand Division.
The Division aims to represent the views of it's members and provide access to talks, and services.
Working for you
Vice President
Susan Lake: treasurer@rina.org.nz
Honorary Secretary
Jason Smith: secretary@rina.org.nz
Members of Council
Ben Conway
Grant Firth
Provided by Lane Neave
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If you would like to be added to our mailing list to keep informed of local events please send us a message.
The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (NZ Division)
PO Box 32037
Auckland 0744
New Zealand